Takes a list of responses from an IntChron request and extracts the data series and associated metadata as a data frame.




A list of IntChron responses.


A tibble combining the data from all responses. Bibliographic references are returned as a list column containing a vector of citation keys (ref: or doi:) for each record.

See also

Other functions for interacting with the IntChron API: intchron_crawl(), intchron_extract(), intchron_request(), intchron_url()


khiv <- intchron_request(intchron_url("record", c("oxa", "nrcf"), "Jordan", "Kharaneh IV"))
#> # A tibble: 14 × 19
#>    record_site record_country record_name record_longitude record_latitude
#>    <chr>       <chr>          <chr>                  <dbl>           <dbl>
#>  1 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  2 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  3 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  4 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  5 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  6 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  7 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  8 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#>  9 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> 10 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> 11 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> 12 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> 13 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> 14 Kharaneh IV Jordan         Kharaneh IV             36.5            31.7
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: series_type <chr>, labcode <chr>, longitude <dbl>,
#> #   latitude <dbl>, sample <chr>, material <chr>, species <chr>, d13C <dbl>,
#> #   r_date <int>, r_date_sigma <int>, qual <chr>, F14C <dbl>, F14C_sigma <dbl>,
#> #   refs <chr>